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Reiki Distance Healing | 1 Hour Session

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Reiki is an intelligence that goes where you most need it to purify your patterns and issues. Reiki is love. It works on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually - in the past, present and future. The Spirit Center team of Reiki Masters,  work with the Dragon Fire reiki, Ascended Masters, Archangels and other Higher Beings in the Universe to provide effective distant Reiki healing that reconditions the physical, mental and spiritual bodies. The Reiki sent to you is a very powerful distant Reiki session including a powerful shield around you.

At Spirit Center we have a small staff of Reiki Healers to support the community. All of which are attuned and training in Reiki Level 1, 2, 3 & Master degree.

Many of them have also received placements in Holy Fire 3 Reiki Okuden and Ignitions in The Dragon Fire Teachings Beyond The Masters class. As well as are initiated in various lineages. Based on your intention for a session, a healer who is available will be selected for you. If you are returning for a repeat session and want to work with the same practitioner again please specify this and we'll assign the same healer to you.

Benefits of a Reiki session:

  • Increases energy
  • Increases feelings of presence & connection with oneself
  • Increase a sense of calmness 
  • Decreased pain and stress
  • Feeling more open and loving
  • Ease and joy in facing life's challenges
  • Things seem to work out better 
  • Improves sleep 
  • Improves relationships
  • Speedy recovery
  • Improves emotional states 
  • Clearer minded 
  • Increases inspiration & creativity
  • Relaxation & confidence for interviews and auditions
  • Aid for processing grief
  • End-of-life care 
  • Release addictions 
  • Financial abundance 
  • And so much more 

    What happens during a healing session?

    A sacred space is set up and Reiki master beings to tune into your energy psychically. Through numerous energy techniques and disciplines, Divine Universal energies are sent to you for exactly what you need, getting to the root of the issue(s). You will experience energetic release throughout and following the session.


    What happens after a session?

    You may be more energetic or very relaxed and sleep more than usual after the treatment. Because you will be releasing at many levels, it is important to drink plenty of water to help as the body excretes toxins released during the healing. Hydration also aids energy flow and helps to ground.

    How it works:

    • This is a Reiki distance healing session. Once a purchase is made, over the next 1-3 days of purchase, one of our Reiki Master level practitioners will send the distant healing for your specific intentions directly to you. 

    • What you will need to do: Wait 1-3 full days, and by then the session will have been sent to you. Take time to sit or lay down in a quiet place for 1 hour to receive the session. The Reiki energy sent to you will be stored in the 'cloud' so to speak and your Reiki session is ready for you to receive.

      Once you are ready to receive it, you can choose the most convenient time to receive it. There is no need to receive the session at the same moment it is being sent. As it will be stored and waiting for you.

    • The Reiki practitioner will need your name, date of birth, photograph, and your intention or reason for the session (directions on how to send this are below). The healing energy is sent directly to you. All you need to do is be open to receiving it, and the current will flow. 



     What is needed for a session?

    • Your full name
    • Your date of birth 
    • A photograph of you
    • Your intention or reason for your session (this can be an ailment or physical issue, emotional block you have, or can just be curiosity). 
    • Your consent to receive the healing energy and willingness to receive.

    Once you make a purchase for a Reiki Distance Healing Session, please simply text the word: REIKI to +1 (304) 553-7253 and provide the required information.

    If you're not located in the US or have SMS available you can send us a direct message on Instagram @spiritcenterstore with your details. Or email us at Spirit@SpiritCenter.Store.

    Once we receive your order we'll also send you a personal confirmation via email (or respond to your SMS or Instagram DM message) and let you know the healer is prepping your session. 

    A member of the Spirit Center team will send you a message once on your preferred communication method once your Reiki session has been sent and is ready for you to receive. This will take 1-3 days, and will be sent to you with LOVE. 

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    Reiki Distance Healing | 1 Hour Session

    Reiki Distance Healing | 1 Hour Session

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